Bride Crossing assisted by UNDOF

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18 Aug 2012

Bride Crossing assisted by UNDOF

August 16, 2012 – In cooperation with the ICRC, UNDOF assisted in a bride crossing in its Area of Separation.

About 60 individuals, relatives and friends of the couple, were present at that occasion. The crossing procedure started at 11:15 hrs, when the bride simultaneously walked with her family from B-Gate to the meeting point (UNDOF/ICRC). From the other side (A-Gate), the groom came accompanied by a group of relatives and friends to meet his bride there.

CLPIO UNDOF, LtCol Dennis Godfrey Gammad, supervised the event as officer in charge and took over responsibility of some parts of the ICRC, whose representatives did partially not show. At about a quarter to 13:00 hrs the bride crossing was finished and a new part of life started for the wedded pair.