On Tuesday the 4th of February 2020 UNDOF hosted Diplomats Day 2020 on the Alpha Side in Camp Faouar. The day started with a meeting and greeting of Diplomats and Guests in the newly refurbished Officers Clib in Camp Faouar. All Embassies with representatives in Syria particapated in the event.
Acting Force Commander UNDOF Brigadier General Maureen O Brien hosted the event for the purpose of informing all Diplomats of the vital work UNDOF completes on both the Alpha and Bravo Side. The event started with an inform meet and greet working breakfast where all guests were able to discuss with the mission leadership and Staff Officers the finer points of what the mission does. This was followed by a formal briefing in the newly opened and refurbished confernace room in the Officers Club where all guests were given a comprehensive briefing of the mission by Acting Force Commander Brig Gen M O Brien. This was followed by an Operational briefing by Lt Col Oliver Clear Chief Operations Officer UNDOF. Following on from this briefing Chief Mission Support and Acting Head of Mission Mr Bernard Lee gave a briefing . This followed with a very productive question and answer session , where guests were encouraged to seek answers for any questions they had relating to UNDOF.
After all briefings guests were treated to a capability and demonstration display from the following contingents on the main square in Camp Faour.
1. Uruguay Mechanised Infantry Company Capability Display.
2. Role 1 + Nepal Mediacl Facility and Capability.
3. Fiji Batt Capability Display.
4. Nepal Mechanised Infantry Company Capability Display.
5. Nepal Con Capbility Display.
6. 60 Inf Gp Irish Contingent FRC UNDOF ESST Specialised Search Capability Display.
7. 60 Inf Gp Irish Contingent FRC UNDOF Infantry Capability Display.
The capability display proved to a very popular and positive part of the days programme with guests interacting with Peace Keepers from all contingents currently represented here in UNDOF Alpha Side. It also gave the guests the opertunity to look and ask Peace Keepers about the equipment UNDOF currently uses.
Following the Capability Display guests were treated to a superb working lunch provided by the excellent Chefs in Nepal Contingent. Again this working lunch gave the guests a chance to dicuss with UNDOF perseonnel all aspects of the mission.
Following the lunch guests were invited to take part in a visit to tow working Observation Posts currently manned by OGG. Again this part of the days events proved very popular with the guests as it was the first time any Diplomats were able to see the important work both UNDOF and OGG do on a daily basis. It also gave guests the opertunity to gain a ground orientation of the difficult terrain both UNDOF and OGG work in.
The day finished with all guests returning back to Camp Faouar and being escorted back to Damascus. In conclusion this was the first time UNDOF hosted this important event in Camp Faouar which proved very popular both with guests and Staff. It was also the first time guests were able to interact with Peace Keepers and also visit a working Obervation Post. On behalf of Acting Force Commander Brig Gen M O Brien she would like to thank all contingents and staff officers who assisted in anyway that ensured this event went off so successfully.