On 09 November 2022, Medal parade ceremony was held for INDCON contingent members, Indian Staff Officers and Bhutan Staff officers at UNDOF HQ, Camp Faouar. During the ceremony, the HOM/Force Commander Major General Nirmal Kumar Thapa and members of the Mission Leadership had the honor of presenting UN Medal to all the officers and parade Team.
The Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Nirmal Kumar Thapa, Deputy Force Commander (DFC) Brigadier General Anita Asmah, Chief of Mission support (CMS) Bernie Lee, Chief of Staff (COS) Col Pratyush Kumar, Chief Operations and Resource Management (CORM) Amedeo Micelli, UNDOF Chief Operation Officer, All branch heads and civilian staff of the Force Headquarters actively took part and accompanied the drill display by the troops, medal pinning, photo session and finally lunch at INDCON premises.