UMIC Celebrated Uruguayan Independence Day in UNDOF
On Wednesday 26th August 2020, the Uruguayan Mechanized Infantry Company (UMIC) celebrated 195th Uruguayan Independence Day in UNP 80. The Head of Mission and Force Commander (HoM/FC) Major General Ishwar Hamal attended the celebration as the guest of honour. He was accompanied by the Chief of Mission Support (CMS) Mr. Bernard Lee and Chief of Staff (COS) Col Martin Alvarez.
UMIC Commanding Officer Lt Col Ramon Ramirez welcomed the HoM/FC and the celebration commenced with an impressive Company-sized march past and military display, celebrating all things Uruguayan.
The risks associated with Covid-19 were minimised via accepted best practices and United Nations recommendations – all personnel adhering to the now-familiar procedures of social distancing, remaining outdoors and limiting personnel numbers. Despite such limitations, the event was well organised, very disciplined and demonstrated the professionalism of Uruguayan soldiers.