Force Commander Welcome Address Diplomat's Day 2017
Welcome Address from Force Commander & Head of Mission UNDOF
As Force Commander & Head of Mission I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our guests attending the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) Diplomat’s Day.
The purpose of today’s event is to communicate the current situation that pertains in the Mission’s Area of Operations (AOR) and how UNDOF continues to implement its mandate outlined by Security Council resolution 350 (1974) in the Golan Heights.
On the 30th June the UN Security Council renewed the Mission’s mandate unanimously adopting resolution 2361 (2017) on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). The 15-nation Council urged Member States to convey strongly to the Syrian armed opposition groups in the Force’s AOR to halt all activities endangering United Nations peacekeepers on the ground.
UNDOF continues to implement its mandate through the incremental phased return to the Bravo side. As we come to the end of Phase 1 and look forward to the deployment of the Nepalese Mechanised Infantry Company in Phase 2, we continuously remind ourselves that the safety and security of our personnel is paramount.
As FC/ HoM I invite you to interact with our Mission Leadership during today’s event and join us for lunch as guests of UNDOF.