FRC Conduct Route Clearance Operations on UNP 60
From Saturday the 6th June to Sunday 7th June 2020 FRC Specialist Engineer Search Units conducted a comprehensive search and clearance operation on UNP 60.
This is the first Search operation conducted by the new Irish Contingent 61st Inf Gp Irish Defence Forces since deploying to UNDOF and it was a good operatunity for the Unit to test both the teams expert skills and equipment. During the search operation several pieces of ordanance were uncovered by the Eningeer Search Unit. The UNP was declared safe at 1800hrs on Sunday 8th and the operation of securing the UNP was handed over to NMC.
The FRC Irish Contingent Engineer Search Unit is deemed a force multiplier and the UNDOF mission is truly lucky to have such an expert team on hand to conduct such operations.