Medal Parade FRC Irish Contingent UNDOF

On Wednesday the 4th of September 19 the 59th Inf Gp Irish Contingent UNDOF FRC held their Medal Parade in Camp Faouar UNDOF HQ.

17 Sep 2019

Medal Parade FRC Irish Contingent UNDOF

On Wednesday the 4th of September 2019 the 59th Inf Gp Irish Contingent UNDOF FRC held their Medal Parade in Camp Faouar UNDOF HQ. Officer Commanding 59 Inf Gp UNDOF FRC Lt Col Louis Flynn handed the Parade over to Col Luis E Coitino Chief of Staff UNDOF. Col Coitino who is currently the Acting Deputy Force Commander officiated over the Parade as the Guest of Honour. During Col Coitinos speech to the assembled Irish Contingent he mentioned the excellant work carried out by the Irish Contingent during their Tour of Duty . He also congratulated the Irish Contingent on their professionalism and devoution to the mission here in Syria. He wished all a safe and pleasent remainder of Duty here in Syria and safe journey home. 59 Inf Gp are due to rotate home to Ireland on the 1st of October 2019 and will be replaced by the 60th Inf Gp from the Irish Defence Forces.