Visit to UNDOF of the Office of Peacekeeping Strategic Partnership 28th Sept to 02 Oct.

Maj Gen Shivaram Karil HoM/FC UNDOF and DFC UNDOF Brig Gen Maureen O Brien welcome Rtd Maj Gen Jai Menon to UNDOF on his Official visit
3 Oct 2019

Visit to UNDOF of the Office of Peacekeeping Strategic Partnership 28th Sept to 02 Oct.

From the 28th of Sept 2019 until 02 Oct 2019 Rtd Maj Gen Jai Menon Director of the Office of Peacekeeping Strategic Partnership visited UNDOF to conduct a review of current Operations and Best Practices. 

The visit and review by Rtd Maj Gen Menon was a symbolic visit for the Director of OPSP in that Rtd Maj Gen Menon had served as HoM and FC of UNDOF during 2017 and 2018. It was Rtd Maj Gen Menons incremental plan that ensured UNDOF achieved Operational Capability on the Bravo Side following the ceasefire in 2017.

During the visit the Review team imspected all UNDOF and OGG locations on the Bravo Side. The Review Team also rehersed TCCs in the following topics, First Aid, Scheme Of Defence , APC Training, Rules of Engagement, Bunker Drills, Welfare of both Troops and Civilians and Operational Briefs.

The Review Team visited spoke and interacted with Officers, NCOS and Ptes from the following Contingents UMIC, NEPCON, Irish Contingent FRC, NMC and INDCON.

The Review were given a full capability display by all Contingents during their visits to all locations. The visit finished with full debrief given to the Mission Leadership on the Review Teams findings.