Visit of Mission Capability Study (MCS) Group to UNDOF

The MCS Group with HoM and FC on Hermon Base during their Visit to UNDOF
15 Oct 2019

Visit of Mission Capability Study (MCS) Group to UNDOF

From Monday 7th October 2019 until Monday 14th October 2019 a 7 person delegation from United Nations Headquaters New York visited UNDOF. The purpose of the Military Capability Study Group was to ensure UNDOF was capable of carrying out its complex and difficult mandate. During the week long inspection and visit the MCS were given access to all UNDOF locations . The MCS visited all Positions and OPs in the UNDOF AOR and recieved both Security and Operational briefings while on the visit. The MCS spoke with not just Mission Leadership but with Officers NCO,s and Men from all contingents currently serving in UNDOF. At the end of the Visit the Team which was Lead by Col Lessa sat in on a planning meeting with mission leadership. It was noted by the MCS at the end of the visit that UNDOF is carrying out its Mandate in a proficient and impartial mannor. The MCS wished UNDOF every success in the future .