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From 18 to 20 Febuary 2020 the Engineer Specialist Search Team (ESST) from Force Reserve Company (FRC) 60 Inf Gp UNDOF drawn from the Irish Defence Forces conducted a meticulous route clearance operation from UNP 85 to UNP 85 A.
On Saturday the 24th of January 2020 the UNDOF family welcomed its new Chief of Staff Colonel Martin T Alvarez. Colonel Alvarez is an experienced Military Officer with extensive military career both at home and overseas. Colonel Alvarez hails for the City of Rivera in Uruguay.
On Monday the 16th of September 2019 the UNDOF family welcomed the New Deputy Force Commander to UNDOF. Brig Gen Maureen O Brien comes to UNDOF from the Irish Defence Forces with a very comprehansive career profile with a wealth of knowledge and experience both at home and overseas.
On Monday 10th of February 2020, a four member delegation team headed by Uruguayan Army Chief General Feola Paz and Uruguayan Deputy Defence Minister Mr. A Berterreche Alverez arrived to Camp Faouar.
On Tuesday the 21st of January 2020, the UNDOF family bid farewell to Col Luis Coitino out going Chief of Staff UNDOF HQ. Col Coitino had served as Chief Of Staff and A/DFC UNDOF during his 12 month tour of duty in UNDOF.
NEPCON VII deployed to UNDOF Mission Area from 12 Oct, 2018 and has already spent its one year tenure by performing various Operation duty as per the Mandate.
From Monday 7th October 2019 until Monday 14th October 2019 a 7 person delegation from United Nations Headquaters New York visited UNDOF. The purpose of the Military Capability Study Group was to ensure UNDOF was capable of carrying out its complex and difficult mandate.
From the 28th of Sept 2019 until 02 Oct 2019 Rtd Maj Gen Jai Menon Director of the Office of Peacekeeping Strategic Partnership visited UNDOF to conduct a review of current Operations and Best Practices.
On Monday the 7th of October 2019 the Official HOTO Ceremony took place between the 59th and 60th Inf Gp Irish Contingent FRC UNDOF. Lt Col Louis Flynn O/C 59TH Inf Gp handed over to Lt Col Oliver Dwyer O/C 60th Inf Gp. The Ceremony was officiated by Brig Gen Maureen O Brien DFC UNDOF.
On Thursday the 19th of Sept 2019 DFC UNDOF Brig Gen Maureen O Brien presented both UNDOF Medals and Peacekeepers Medals to 59th Irish Contingent FRC UNDOF.