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  1. Under Construction UNP 10 A Visit by UNDOF HoM/FC

    2 September 2020... On Tuesday, 1 st September 2020, UNDOF Head of Mission and Force Commander (HoM/FC) Major General Ishwar Hamal ...

  2. Visit to UNDOF by Lt Gen Stephen Bowes Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command

    13 June 2017... Force Reserve Company On 31 May 2017, UNDOF hosted a visit of Lt Gen Stephen Bowes Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command. ...

  3. Military Advisor, Lieutenant General Carlos H. Loitey Visit to UNDOF on 26 April 2019

    1 May 2019 ...

  4. Level One Plus Hospital, UNDOF visit by HoM/FC Major General Ishwar Hamal

    15 August 2020... On 14 August 2020, UNDOF Head of Mission and Force Commander (HoM/FC) Major General Ishwar Hamal, ...

  5. Under Secretary General Mr. Jean Pierre Lacroix visit to UNDOF 25 FEB 18

    2 March 2018... for Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Jean Pierre Lacroix visited UNDOF as part of his tour of UN Missions in the Middle East. Mr. ...

  6. UMIC Visit by Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Ishwar Hamal, UNDOF

    6 August 2020... The UNDOF Head of Mission and Force Commander (HoM/FC) Major General Ishwar Hamal ...

  7. A delegation from Finland and Netheland visit UNDOF

    26 July 2016

  8. Indian Delegation visit to UNDOF on 21 January 2019

    9 April 2019... with two senior officers from Ministry of Defence, visited UNDOF on 21 - 25 January 2019. ...

  9. Finnish Delegation visit to UNDOF on 16 April 2019 at Camp Ziouani

    19 April 2019... General Kim Mattsson accompained by six member visited  UNDOF on 16 April 2019 at Camp Ziouani. ...


    13 February 2014 The Commanding Officer LOGBATT, LtCol S.
